When There is the High Point, Then You'll Have the Lows ( Some Realities of Pregnancy)

I remember the moment that I learned I was pregnant, I was so ecstatic I thought I was just dreaming a very happy dream and I don't have the intention of waking up. The idea of a another life being nurtured within me is such a wonderful miracle to unfold before my eyes and I can't wait to experience the whole nine months of the ordeal.

Everything was rosy at first. People, expressing their support and sharing their happiness knowing that I have a blessing coming our way.My family members, friends and relatives being so vocal about their excitement of my pregnancy. Me waking up every day with a purpose and watching my baby bump grow, becoming more visible. The "glow" of pregnancy is also another perk I surely love. The idea of being a mom and carrying an angel is definitely one of the best feelings ever! I am always so giddy rummaging for clothes and dressing up while pregnant  and I make sure that I am always updated and well-equipped with information about the whole courses of pregnancy. And man, I am always at a different kind -of-  "high" every time I'll have my ultrasound as I see my baby's growth, knowing that this is the closest encounter so far before the actual delivery.

In reality though, it's not peachy everyday. I just want to share with you some issues which I encountered at least to help you  prepare yourself when you are pregnant. I've read a lot of the "catch" of pregnancy that I thought would be easy but they're NOT when you are already there. Though these are very "normal" when you are pregnant, I just want you to at least be ready.

I was able to write an article about the joys of pregnancy on my earlier article when I learned that I was pregnant, now let me share this time the difficulties in reality just to be fair.

I'll discuss it in chronological order the 10 not-so-delightful-experiences that I encountered and still is encountering while being pregnant and let's see if you can relate to them:

1. Change of appetite and crazy food cravings. I did not realize that I was pregnant until I was already on the "9th week". During those times and onward I became choosy with food. I hate the sight of hard-boiled eggs, and all of a sudden I am into " sinigang ( Filipino stew characterized by it's sour yet flavory taste cooked usually in tamarind) and paksiw ( fish normally cooked in vinegar and garlic and onion) that I can eat them every day. There was a day I was so into santol I ate three in a row( the fact that  I haven't eaten santol for years because it is too sour for pete's sake now I am so into it I can eat three in one sitting!). 

I've never been selective when I wasn't pregnant, all of a sudden I was picky when it comes to food. I buy whatever comes in my mind as this food cravings becoming crazier. There was a time, I woke up very early and I craved for "Jollibee Spaghetti" so early in the morning I have to go out and ordered one to go.I am into stir-fried shrimps, adobong adidas (chicken feet) and strawberry sundaes. And the funny thing is, I thought it will just be on my first trimester. In reality, it goes on and on until the third. But then again, this is definitely normal as the "maternal instinct" is very high as the body will tell which is good or not for the baby so I just listen to my cravings.

2. Sense of smell heightened. I always love the smell of beer around. But when I got pregnant, oh how I dreaded it so much! Especially smelling it from someone drunk on my way home, I feel like vomiting. I also ask my husband to always brush his teeth as I love the smell of clean, fresh breath and I hate it when he kisses me without brushing his teeth after meal ( sorry Papo, pregnancy changes, you know).I have three sets of perfume I use to layer daily and I am so much into the smell of berries. I don't like the smell of a washed laundry that wasn't dried directly to the sun.And honestly when I became pregnant, I hate the smell of my sweat that I have to keep on reapplying deodorant once my armpits get sweaty!

3. Vaginal itch. Yes ladies, as embarrassing as this might sound! Due to a drastic hormonal change during pregnancy, vaginal discharge is a bit high making us susceptible when it comes to infections and when diagnosed early they can be easily treated by doctors. I had mine as early as 13th week of my pregnancy when all of a sudden I find the itchiness very irritating the mere fact that I am always into personal hygiene. I had series of  pap smears and my Ob-Gyn prescribed to treat me with vaginal suppositories. It was short-lived nonetheless. After 2 weeks when I first reported the issue and after being treated with the prescribed suppositories the itchiness was gone for good. It's just so uncomfortable though as the itchiness was definitely annoying and the fact that I have to have suppositories every night for 7 days.

4, UTI ( Urinary Tract Infection). I always watch my water intake even before being pregnant so it surprised me a lot when my OB diagnosed me of UTI. Though she assured me that it's quite normal during pregnancy as pregnant women are more vulnerable to the infection due to hormonal change. But of course if left untreated it can affect the baby in the uterus leading to preterm labor  and low birth weight. I had three Urinalysis tests before I passed the normal rate. It's quite frustrating when I failed the first 2 tests as I did increase the water intake and I was prescribed to drink cranberry juice to treat it. Eventually I, myself have to monitor my water consumption and be consistent with the medication with cranberry intake and even fresh coconut juice.Even now that I am cured, I still have to make sure that my water intake is at least 12-14 glasses per day.

5. Costochondritis. I was on my 5th month when I had to apply for Leave of Absence from work for 2 weeks as I had this very painful condition. I can't walk that long all of a sudden as back hurts terribly and it goes with my rib cage and my bra line ( that bony part ) that every freaking movement I feel like a doll being broken down into half. The rib cage and my back  were extremely painful every time I stand or walk for a longer period. I can't even sit that long as the pain triggers and all I have to do to alleviate it is to lie on my back.And the mere fact that  It just happen overnight! I rushed myself to the hospital the first time it triggered as the pain is definitely intolerable. They prescribed me of analgesic and complete bed rest. I even had urine and blood tests, and ultrasound to my gall bladder in case that my stomach is being squeezed due to the increase of weight. I have to increase my calcium intake and I have to replace my under-wire bras with  comfortable cotton and some maternity bras to alleviate the pain in my rib cage and bra line every time I move. I was really in total pain during those times and I have to really pray hard for easier recovery.

6. PUPP ( Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy)  Is definitely an annoying rash ( I swear to God) that starts in the belly area where the stretch marks are and it spreads to other parts of the body. I wasn't giving much attention at first because it's really understandable that the stretch marks are itchy but when I started seeing angry red welt marks also on my thighs,belly, butt and even tiny red marks on my arms and legs and the fact that it's annoyingly itchy made me very worried. The sight of it made me even think I had German measles as rashes started spreading in my legs and arms. I searched online for forums of pregnant women for which I learned that a lot of expectant moms also experienced the same, or even worse. For the cause of it, one of website link gave me a better Idea of what PUPP is, which it states.  " One study has shown that male fetal DNA can be found in skin biopsies of the rash. Since 70% of women with PUPPP give birth to boys, a new hypothesis is that male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant." 

 I have to consult my OB again for the rashes and she prescribed me to take anti-histamine ( which made me groggy during office hours) for 7 days and calamine lotion to soothe the rashes 2x a day. I have to temporarily stopped using fragrant soaps and use hypo-allergenic soaps and even lotions instead as they can trigger the rashes too.Up until now I still have the rashes  and I am still using the calamine lotion but they were tolerable unlike when it first shows.

7. Acid Reflux. One of my dreadful pregnancy experiences for which I swear I hated every time it triggers.Acid from my esophagus creeps upwards to the extent that i vomit. I never experienced morning sickness but acid reflux gives me idea of how terrible it feels.I normally experience it at work or  2-3 hours after eating my meal as I feel my gastric acid rises upwards giving me this sourly taste that I feel like vomiting each time It's TERRIBLE!

This according to some sources  the progesterone which is the main hormone of pregnancy slows down the digestion of food. That and because of the my baby growing increases the tendency of acid creeping upwards. Watermelon and eating lots of fibrous vegetables and fruits for me personally helped a lot to alleviate it. I also read somewhere that red apples can soothe acid reflux so I make sure that I have a staple supply around.

8. Stretch Marks. Ahh, the most common pregnancy issue. I started having it underneath my belly bump, on my thighs and even my butt. They are annoyingly itchy and painful to look at especially if you are used not having them before ( of course!). I was using a rich moisturizer before which smells great ( strawberry ) but when I had my PUPP i have to stop because I have to use non-fragrant lotions. So far since I haven't delivered my baby yet so I have to dwell on the sight. Stretch marks can't be prevented as weight gain during pregnancy triggers it, but ample amount of rich lotion or cream will keep the skin well-moisturized and hydrated.

9. Skin darkening. The changes were very evident in my nipples, my underarms, knees,  a dark line developed visibly on my stomach ( linea alba) going down to my belly button, up until my pelvic bone and even the skin in the genital area ( yeah ). According to research, this is also caused my the hormonal change during pregnancy as it stimulates an increased production of melanin most of the time dark-skinned women experience this more than the fair-toned. But it will eventually disappear months after the delivery. It is something I am looking forward then to happen as it is annoying to look at!

10. Stress and anxiety. I became more emotional during pregnancy. Maybe the idea of labor,of us moving back to the province, adds up the stress of  work, physical changes like my previous favorite maternity getup not fitting me again and I have to change sets thrice  per trimester because of my size- increase and the physical discomforts like back pain, weight gain, sluggishness and clumsiness, constant urination and all of the above physical changes, of life after the pregnancy and my baby's welfare are all taking its toll on me that I find myself stressed at times leading to lack of sleep and crying moments.I am easily offended with silly jokes and I cry easily while I am watching dramatic scenes on youtube clips and movies. The emotional leap is again due to the hormonal change. 

What I do for comfort is either to reward myself with food,watch funny baby videos, talk to my friends who are mothers as well and to turn to my ever-dependable and understanding husband as he helps me cope up with the emotional roller coaster. So far I cry a lot time to time but I make sure that I read  funny anecdotes through forums, articles and magazines and I have my alone time with my baby to help me deal with the stress.

As I scanned the list, I was able to cover all of the issues I encountered ( and some are still being experienced) during my pregnancy. Well, as for the positive side of it, I am very thankful that I never experienced the dreadful morning sickness, varicose veins, pre-eclampsia and other pregnancy health issues unlike some of my friends and other expectant-moms in the forums I've been visiting lately.

Again, pregnancy in reality has its ups and downs. There are just glaring facts that you really can't shrug-off while pregnant so might as well be as honest as possible. On the other hand, I tend to forget all of these downs whenever I think positively that I have my baby at hand and sooner my angel will be delivered and I will have him in my arms.And knowing that my baby is healthy and well-taken care of is something that definitely diverts my attention to the joys of it rather than the downs . Despite the pain and discomforts I clutch still to God to guide me with the whole pregnancy and it gives me all the strength I need to hold my sanity altogether.

I guess being open-minded to consequences when you decide to be pregnant is also the best preparation that a woman has to consider. In the end, every one of us has her own unique story to tell once you are already on this wonderful stage.

I hope this article helped you in a way to cope up with your pregnancy and to let you know that hey, you are not alone with the ordeal! A lot of us has that common experience that we will eventually laugh about it when we will look back the times that our bellies are big and to share  it to our kids when they are old enough to understand about how we carried them in our wombs...an experience I know for sure will let them know how much love and anticipation we've invested just to nurture them until their birth.

Have a safe pregnancy, ladies!
